Q. Discuss the disastrous impact of the landslides on humans and nature. Suggest some mitigating measures. (Answer in 150 words)
05 Oct, 2022
Daily Answer Writing 2022-23 ( Upgrade)
Modal Answer
Modal Answer
Landslides refer to gravitational movements of mass of rock, soil, or debris downwards on a slope. Over 13% of Indian landmass is prone to landslides (NDMA).
Factors influencing landslides:
- Natural factors: lithology, structure, slope, land cover, seismicity and rainfall.
- Anthropological factors: deforestation, improper land use and unplanned construction.
Disastrous impact of landslides
- Economic Impact:
- Damage to property
- Disruption in transportation
- Medical costs (injury)
- Water availability
- Social Impact:
- Health and education compromised: due to loss of transportation and threat to buildings and infra.
- Impact on essential services – power, water and fuel
Landslide Hotspots: Himalayas and W
- Impact on security: as army installations are cut off and it may lead to increase in insurgency.
- Impact on natural environment:
- Induce morphological changes – due to flooding changing the course of river
- Changes in forests and grassland cover – loss of ecosystem productivity.
- Impact on native wildlife, rivers and lakes.
Mitigation measures:
National Landslide Risk Mitigation Project & NDMA Guidelines need to be implemented in a mission mode along with community involvement through formalised and localised hiring to provide constant support throughout the disaster management cycle.
- Structural:
- Limiting Intensity: Stone fencing and piling at slopes.
- Planned development: Restrict construction and settlement in vulnerable areas.
- Manage free flowing water: through Afforestation, construction of bunds etc.
- Intentional blasting: in order to settle the landslide prone region.
- Non-structural:
- Hazard mapping of slope failures: This will help in urban planning to avoid building settlements.
- Agricultural practices: Limiting agriculture to valleys, terrace-farming replacing Jhooming.
- Investment in Disaster resilient infrastructure
- Use of technology: For Erosion modelling, micro-zoning, slope stability analysis, early warning systems
- Awareness Generation: especially in remote rural areas where buildings are constructed without landslide risk assessment.
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