1. The preamble embodies the basic philosophy and fundamental values on which the Indian Constitution is based. Discuss. (Answer in 150 words).
GS II Daily Answer Writing 2022-23
2. ‘The lack of inner party democracy within political parties has reduced Indian democracy to being a procedural democracy and not evolving into a substantive one’. Discuss the significance of intra party democracy and highlight the challenges associated with achieving it in India. (Answer in 250 words).
GS II Daily Answer Writing 2022-23
3. How and on what grounds can a financial emergency be invoked in India? What are the consequences on the overall polity of India when such a declaration is in force? (Answer in 150 words).
GS II Daily Answer Writing 2022-23
4. Is the office of Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) a watchdog or a nitpicker of the finances of India? Justify by giving suitable examples. (Answer in 150 words).
GS II Daily Answer Writing 2022-23
5. The Government of India Act, 1935 served as a milestone and paved the way for a responsible form of government in India. Comment. (Answer in 150 words).
GS II Daily Answer Writing 2022-23
1. The Public Interest Litigation (PIL) was envisaged to catalyse progressive socio-economic changes and ensure justice for all, but, over the years its misuse and overuse has defeated the very purposes for which it was created. Examine. (Answer in 150 words).
GS II Daily Answer Writing 2022-23
2. Criminalisation of politics is a ‘bitter manifest truth’, which is a termite to the citadel of democracy. Comment. Suggest practical solutions to counter criminalisation of politics in India. (Answer in 250 words).
GS II Daily Answer Writing 2022-23
3. Both judicial activism and judicial self-restraint operate within the bounds of judicial legitimacy, but judicial overreach is a violation of judges’ oath. Do you agree? Justify with suitable examples. (Answer in 250 words).
GS II Daily Answer Writing 2022-23
4. The Speaker of Lok Sabha is designated as “the symbol of the nation’s freedom and liberty” and thus should be individuals of “outstanding ability and impartiality”. Analyse. (Answer in 150 words).
GS II Daily Answer Writing 2022-23
5. How far do you agree that parliamentary committees play a crucial role in establishing accountability of the government? Discuss with reference to Public Account Committee. (Answer in 150 words).
GS II Daily Answer Writing 2022-23